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About Comstock Stock Photography

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Who are we?
20 years of customer serviceFor over 25 years COMSTOCK has been one of the world's most successful and respected international photo agencies.

Specializing in commercial stock imagery (especially model released "Lifestyle" and "Business" imagery) targeted to advertising agencies, graphic design firms and corporate marketing departments, Comstock’s clients include art directors, graphic designers, magazines, web designers, multi-media producers and publishers across the globe who use Comstock's images for ads, brochures, websites, annual reports, multi-media shows-- and just about any promotional media you can think of.

Well known for over a quarter of a century for its traditional "rights protected" stock photography (Comstock's Rights Protected division), Comstock’s Royalty Free division signals the entrance of a world-famous photo agency into the ready-to-buy royalty-free arena.

Comstock Classic - Rights Protected Division


Ready-to-rent stock images

Ready-to-buy stock images

Hundreds of thousands of premium-quality existing images for use in your projects.  Prices based on usage:   the smaller the project, the lower the fee. Tens of thousands of "royalty free" photos.  Buy once, use as you wish*. Available as disc collections or single images.

There's more...
We don't just sell pictures-- we produce them.

A studio for STILL imagesComstock is actually TWO companies-- and the second is a photo production facility that has been developed and nurtured over a twenty-year period.   Think of it as a Hollywood studio-- only for still images rather than movies. 

Now, we don't expect you to care how a picture is produced-- so long as it's the one you want.  But if you're wondering why Comstock's images seem to be not just powerful and pleasing and interesting-- but incredibly usable, that's why:  When we're shooting, we have your needs in mind, for the types of projects we know you're working on, and the kinds of concepts we know you need to communicate in clever, exciting ways.

How do we know? We know because we hear from you every day, from graphics professionals throughout the world-- and that information is conveyed to our Production Team.  Not just great photographers-- but also great set designers and art directors and stylists, all of whom have one, clear mission:  To produce the best, freshest, most usable body of stock imagery in the world.

We hope you'll sense that as you use our products.

Thanks for giving us a chance to be of help

We hope to see you again soon! 

*certain restrictions apply.  Example: Recognizable models may not be depicted in any way that is defamatory, humiliating or libelous.  See "Terms & Conditions" section.